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    Posie Fields

    Zinnia “Queeny "Lime with Blush"

    Zinnia “Queeny "Lime with Blush"

    Regular price $ 95.00 MXN
    Regular price Sale price $ 95.00 MXN
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    Zinnia “Queeny "Lime with Blush"

    Type: Plant

    4'' Pot

    Sophisticated color combination.

    Innovative and elegant. Mostly double and semidouble, 2–3 1/2" blooms with a small percentage of singles. Cut-and-come-again flower, yielding multiple cuts over the season. Previously and widely known as 'Queen Lime Blush' or 'Queen Lime Blotch.' Over the years, as the breeder has developed new colors in the series, he has transitioned the series name from "Queen" to "Queeny."

    Plant type: annual
    Height: 32”
    Site: full sun
    Days to maturity: 75-90 days
    Plant spacing: 9-12”
    Pinch: when 12” tall

    How to Grow:
    Transplant out after all danger of frost has passed.

    Harvesting/Vase Life:
    Grab the stem about 8” below the flower and gently shake. If the stem is droopy or bends much at all, it is not quite ready to cut. If the stem is stiff and remains erect, it is ready to harvest. If flower preservative is added to the water, zinnias should last 7-10 days in the vase.

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