One of the most productive and easy-to-grow summer fillers you can find, this towering beauty is the best dark variety of amaranth on the market. The large, rich burgundy-toned stems add a unique textural quality to arrangements. While the underside of the leaf is dark, the top side is a dusty plum.
Details: Plant type: annual Height: 36-48” Site: full sun Days to maturity: 65-75 days Plant spacing: 12” Pinch: when 12” tall
How to Grow: Transplant out after all danger of frost has passed. Plant 12'' apart, pinch at 12'', and needs netting support.
Harvesting/Vase Life: Harvest when seed heads are about ¾ of the way open. Remove most of the foliage so the colorful spikes are more visible. Expect a vase life of 7 days.