The Endless Summer® Original Hydrangea is the first Hydrangea in the Endless Summer® collection and still a best-selling favorite! This Hydrangea is one of the very first to bloom on old wood as well as new growth!
This lovely, mounded variety can fit in most spaces with a mature size of 3-4 feet in height and 4-5 feet in spread. Enjoy an extended bloom time through 3 seasons! The Original blooms from early spring through fall. Blooms range from blue to pink depending on the pH of your soil.
The Endless Summer® Original is so versatile in the landscape. From single specimen to group to hedge to container plantings, you can't go wrong with this beauty! This Hydrangea thrives in partial shade and well-drained, moist soil. The Original is hardy and disease resistant making it easier to care for than older varieties. And don't forget to cut a few flowers to enjoy inside your home!