This special variety features snow-white blooms that look like clover blossoms. Plants are topped with multiple button-shaped flowers which are borne in sprays from wiry, branching stems. They thrive in the heat and can also be easily dried for later use. These flowers are a great addition to bouquets and are wonderful for wedding work.
Details: Plant type: annual Height: 24-30” Site: full sun Days to maturity: 85-100 days Plant spacing: 6-9” Pinch: not necessary
Harvesting/Vase Life: Freshly harvested flowers can last for up to 2 weeks in the vase. Flowers can also be dried for later use. Hang freshly cut stems upside-down in a warm, dark place for 2-3 weeks or until they are firm to the touch. Be gentle when handling them after they’ve been dried, because the blooms can be fragile and can fall apart more easily.